Victims Of Amadán

1K Challenge

1K Challenge

Ride Date: Friday August 18th 2023
  • Meet Up @
  • Kickstands Up @
  • Ending @
  • Estimated End Time @ July 16, 2023

 Iron Assing it 1000+ miles. (in 24 hrs.)
Please DO NOT accept this challenge if you are not 100% confident you and your bike can complete this ride.



2 stops for food. (About an hour each.)

8(ish) stops for splash & dash. (About every 120 miles.)

20 hours (hopefully less)

On this ride we will be utilizing the Buddy System. You must be paired up or in a small group.
If you or your buddy break down, you stay together. If one of you gets tired and needs to stop and sleep, then you both stop.
If you fall behind, you stick together and catch up when you can.


The rest of the group will move on.. No hard feelings, but there is a time constraint.


If you accept the challenge and succeed, you will be rewarded with a relaxing day at the beach and a nifty patch commemorating your accomplishment.


Optionally, If you fail, you may receive an equally nifty patch commemorating your utter failure.


This will be a 3 day trip.
1 day to Paris Island, SC
1 day in Paris Island, SC
1 day to get back to Cleveland. (680 miles / 11 Hrs Non-stop) so figure 15ish hours.


According to Google Maps, Cleveland to Atlanta to Myrtle Beach is:
1,071(ish) Miles / 16(ish) Hours Non-Stop
That gives us 8 hours of wiggleroom for gas stops, food, weather, traffic and technical/mechanical/mental issues (hopefully we won’t have.)


Please DO NOT accept this challenge if you are not 100% confident you and your bike can complete this ride.


I realize shit happens. I know mechanical problems pop up unexpectedly, but if you think there might be something wrong, don’t go. I tell you this from experience.
